
Monday, September 08, 2014

From EUkraina - one of the 'funniest' places on earth.

When they're not liquidating something, they're a laff!

This Swede's a real turnip.  Good thing he's in Ukrainia  where his viking blood is valued and appreciated.

All Over the Place 

Dust-ups in the Rada.  Banning the Communist and other parties you don't like will stop the 'disagreements' and reduce the desire to punch someone's face

Fight 1
Fight 2
Fight 3

Here's another political piece - this time the self-appointed vigilante of the Donbass - the Leader of his own political party and his own ant-terrorist unit,  Oleh Lyashko, also a reported homosexual, convicted embezzler and Russian-hater #1 judges a bra competition.

Ho! They're real!!! SlavEUkraina!

Here he confronts an evil doer:
Track him down

And Another

 Here he confronts another evil doer:
Listen to those Bells

Other confronters:
Nasty Little Kid
'crooked' politician

And all the latest rage - "lustration", making nEUkrainia 'shiny'.

Dump that Bimba! Slav'EUkrainie!

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