I think they're starting from a stupid premise, for Trump is not the first candidate to lie his way into the Oval Orifice, that has been the case since the days of Jimmy Carter who did it too - but recanted and wasn't re-elected.
In doing so, whatever opposition there is to Trump perpetuates the mistake in thinking they can run a sow's ear, spouting platitudes for a party plank and expect to awaken to find their candidate 'kicking-off' the Inaugural Ball. Donald Trump won an election that surprised him as much as anybody else because the opposition was complacent, spent enough to ransom a continent and thought that there were enough people who believed their brand of 'shinola' to outvote the those who were absorbing the other variety of 'shinola'. There weren't ... or at least they were not distributed in the best ways to knock Trump out. He won by a thin edge in a couple of places that statistically should have gone to Clinton, The electoral college confirmed that and, as the idiots, say "3 million voters were disenfranchised". They should relocate before the next election.
But back to the documentary.
It was a unique campaign from the primaries on through. Trump was a wild man in a field of evident mediocrities. I can't think of one, viable Republican Candidate without a crippling wen or blight. And while Trump had his foibles, galore, none of the others could top him in either his nasty schoolboy disposition or the self-assuredness that he 'owned' the podium. On the distaff side there was only one opponent facing Hilary Clinton and. whether this is false news or not I cannot say, the Democratic party torpedoed him ... and a Party Chairperson resigned when that news broke.
As the documentary laments, the election, from that point on, was a series of disclosures some obviously false, some true and of the closet-skeleton variety and some that were made remarkable by who made them and the time they chose to do it.
Hilary Clinton entered the campaign partly on her acumen as a former Presidential spouse but more so on her career as the US Secretary of State - the top dog in the Obama first term cabinet. Along with that came a couple of blunders and a moderate scandal. The blunders arose from the Arab Spring, the take-down of Libya and the killing of the US ambassador to that place. The scandal came from an obvious, but she claims entirely innocent, 'mishandling' of some top secret communications on her private unsecured at-home 'server'. When she tossed her tiara into the ring, the FBI was looking into some of those things.
Who slung the first mud was probably Trump - who ran on a campaign that Clinton was inherently crooked and that, looking at a few things that happened ,with her as SecState: people 'getting things' and subsequently making donations to the Clinton Foundation - made Trump proclaim that Hillary belonged in jail, not in the white House. In rebuttle he was chastened (if that's possible) by charges that he donated other people's money and claimed his Foundation did it, that he overspent Foundation funds to decorate, often with portraits of himself, the Trump 'empire'. He was accused of dirty-mouthing the ladies when a recorded tour bus conversation as aired. Trump responded by inviting to a debate, a number of women who had charged Mr. Clinton with sexual abuse. They sat, silent, in camera range, as Trump absolved himself of sexism and reminded the audience that greater men had sinned more obviously. That must have really pissed the Clintons - Bill looked like a furious deer caught in the headlights.
That might not have done Hilary in ( although she was beginning to show public signs of being all-in, health wise) had there not been another email embarrassment coming, this time from the direction of her personal secretary Huma Abedin. Huma was married at the time to Jeffrey Wiener the infamous 'wanna see my pecker' e-mailer. He had been caught, again, , early in the campaign, sending pictures of his junk to young girls. As part of their investigation, the NYPD had sequestered his computer. (Wiener's laptop) Along with the penile implants on his hard drive, the cops announced that they had found a number of State Department and other documents belonging to the former Secretary of State. He had those, Wiener told the police, because his wife did not have a printer and wanted him to make hard copies for her. He had simply forgotten to erase them.
That stimulated Trump to renew the cry to "throw her in jail" He swore, as part of his plank, that he would see her in court. A week before the vote, the FBI announced they could find no evidence of malfeasance against Clinton, but the damage was already done.
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One of the 'deth' cakes at a Podesta related event |
By way of counterblast, someone in the Democratic Party organization contracted an ex-agent of British MI6 to investigate Trump's ties to the Russians.
The first revelation involved Trump's Campaign Chairman, Paul Manafort, with the Russians via the ex-pro-Russian President of Ukraine Mr, Yanukovich. Manafort lobbied for Ukraine in Washington but Yanukovich was unseated during the Maidan revolution and had run away to Russia. Manafort resigned, but an investigation was commenced hoping to connect Trump via Manafort , to Putin. Nothing has come of that so far, although Manafort is currently before the court on other charges.
The second part of the Englishman's investigation raised what he claimed was evidence that Trump, while he was in Moscow trying to land a hotel deal and organize a beauty pageant, had hired a number of Russian hookers to micturate on a bed, in a hotel Presidential suite that had been occupied by the Obama's on a State visit. Trump was reported to have watched and recorded the desecration. That 'dossier' was, reportedly, revealed privately by the head of the CIA John Brennan to President Obama and Trump at a White Hose meeting designed to investigate the possibility that Putin had his own recordings tape and could blackmail the new President.
Things did not stop, as questionable private internet security firm (Crowdstrike) discovered what it claimed were 'Russian hackers' attempts to interfere with voting machines in Illinois (well before the election) and the hallmarks of those hackers in the files transmitted from Democratic HQ to Wikileaks. This firm would proceed to be the sole source for the famous '13 Agencies Reports' into Russian hacking of the election. An investigation into which is, still, on-going. The firm was also awarded over $100 million in government internet security contracts before Obama left office.
While the documentary would hardly touch on much of this in an other than 'would you believe this?' approach, it seems like a massively incredible excuse for failing to do an election properly. If Democrats still believe this, going into the mid terms, they will lose again. If they don't change, then 'the New York Peach' is virtually guaranteed another 4 years in the White House.
But according to the new documentary, all of this has been 'bosh and hooey'! For the anti-Trumpites have discovered how he really dunnit. Well, not actually 'he' as much as the 'alt-right election machine', powered by multi-zillionaire genius Robert Mercer, his daughter, his Foundation, Breitbart News, Steve Bannon and a number of interrelated entities - including a British marketing research firm with an innovative way of scanning and sorting personal information data.
What these folk did, aside from organizing and focusing the Trump campaign, was to gather wads of personal data by purchasing that from Social Media sites. The data was collated and scanned using numeric algorithms to determine who was likely to vote Trump and what could be fed to them to solidify that choice. The Trump Campaign also focused on States that Trump could win but which had been longshots for Republicans before, They made sure Trump paid attention to them. While Clinton focused on the 'big win' states. Trump focused on winning Electoral College votes from the 'fringe' states. The upshot of the election as a close-run popular vote with Clinton winning an unimpressive majority scattered all over the place. Trump however won enough states to give him the Electoral College votes he needed for an inauguration.
What's missing now is the hue and cry that Putin dunnit that has taken up two plus years of investigative time and cost billions. The election wasn't hacked, it was played by the Stock Market winners and finessed like a card sharp's game of Acey Deucy.
The sad part, perhaps, is that Trump, ever the ingrate, seems to have cast his 'winning team' to the curb and bought into the Biffelbergers of the military/industrial/intelligence community. They'll eat his asshole for brunch.
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