
Friday, September 01, 2006

On the Banks.... of the River....

It takes so long to sort things out in Canada that, sometimes, boring stuff can become quite interesting. One of the underpinnings of ‘good government’ - a wonderful British concept- is that the government is expected to act with glacial rapidity. This sometimes pisses people, who are, at least now-a-days, into instant gratification, off, royally! And so it remains in the hamlet of Caledonia (see previous posts).

The government took their own judge to court and ‘whupped his azz’ - as our soth’ron neighbours so graphically put it. That won them the right to continue to negotiate with non-law abiding native folk, who were emboldened to extend their land claim some 40 linear miles, and some considerable square mileage, to the north of where most people thought it was. They have not yet considered that capillary action might indeed draw the waters of Georgian Bay into the drainage basin of the Grand River, and ergo, they might have to consider including everything north to the old Hudson Bay claim, which, sadly, predates theirs. Not bad for some expatriot ‘American’ indians.

This weeks’ developments include the announcement that the Gov’t is sweetening the deal for the developer (apparently the deal hadn’t closed) to add another 3.5 million tax dollars to cover “fair market value”. This is probably the same ‘value’ that the assessment board is not allowed to assess for the next year, until they review the computer model that raises everybody’s taxes, every year. But, hey, buddy put in sewers, water mains and street lights, so that field is worth more than he paid for it. I’m glad those houses didn’t have pools and jacuzzis!

The developments also include the ‘Preem’ putting is foot down. Apparently our red brethren have developed the habit of making lots of noises late at night - the sound of the tom-toms, the roars of the ATV, and aggravating the locals. And they’ve apparently bolstered that with squirtings of fire hoses (remember the water mains buddy put in?). We pay for water in Canada now, so who’s getting the Indians' bill? Anyway ‘Daltie’ was miffed that they would do these things that don’t help negotiations, and, well, he was mad! The Indians probably told him to put his foot down ... in the dogshit. Ho, ho! Negotiations (read paid lunches) continue under the masterfulnessitude of Davey Peterson - new man - double deelux!

The Iroquois are probably thinking ‘fair market value’ as well.

Maybe the government could get a couple of bus loads of Hurons from Quebec to come reconquer their homeland - starting with Caledonia.

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