
Monday, January 12, 2015

Jesus Charlie

The world is decompressing from another terror incident, this time in Paris. 'Muslim extremists' - differentiated from other extremists by their religious beliefs - attacked the headquarters of a 'satirical' French publication which his now differentiated from other such scatological institutions by the violent deaths of a number of staffers.

The world is not decompressing from another terror incident that happened at the same time in Nigeria.  There the same kind of extremists attacked a small town and left, it is claimed,  two thousand dead inhabitants lying in the streets when they departed.

And there lies the difference between terror that affects us, because the victims are apparently much like ourselves, and terror that affects someone else and about which we really don't have the time, or inclination, to care.

World leaders were literally fighting each other to be first with the bullet of moral indignation ... to deflect, or lead, their sheeple in the path they would like us to go. One of then , valiant Nathan of gallant Israel missed the bus to the event and had to elbow his way into the front rank. Yes, we're willing to send more troops to Iraq and Syria to kill those 'Muslim extremists', whatever they may look like, but Nigeria can look after itself. What happened in France is a 'war on civilization', Nigeria is 'another expression of the differences caused by religious belief'. France is about a need to strike at superstition, Nigeria is about superstition.  We must focus on the one and we can safely ignore the other.

The Media Pic - leading the Masses

The one you didn't need to see

To-day we find 'value' in the ability to make fun of almost anything. Since  the days of the French Revolution, and possibly long before that, the notorious French ability to 'take the mickey' out of anything - usually anything sacred, or  revered, has done much to turn that former land of saints into a bouillabaise of  secularism that doesn't know what it stands for,  other than a good time. Since the time of Napoleon, the place has been on the skids, largely because it doesn't, as a nation, believe in anything that might unify it. Even the fear of the Boche, or regaining sacred lost provinces would cause an argument among Frenchmen. They haave seen politicians, and what politicians do best, being done best for the better part of a century or more - a beaujoulais nouveau is more to be trusted.

But the French are like us and 'we' don't do that any more ... slaughter each other. Or at least we haven't for 75 years. The Africans are different ... 'they' do those things, naturally.

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